It’s That Time of Year in the ‘Ham: All the sudden we’ve got snowshoes, pickleball racquets, snow pants and a bicycle pump outside the door between the house and the garage. Typical psycho-tropic Northwest Washington April weather pattern.
Known In High-Level Weather Circles As: A Schizospheric River. Remember to cling tightly to the banks, folks.
We Hate To Go On About This, But: We’re still waiting for U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen to explain on the record his urging for the Bonneville Power Administration to make an energy deal that might make a reopened Ferndale aluminum smelter profitable, while the BPA tells Cascadia Daily News that an exclusive, cut-rate deal like that requested by the developer would be illegal under its mandate, and require … wait for it … an act of Congress to do otherwise.
In Spite of That: Larsen’s last statement on the record about the proposed Intalco restart was that he was “hopeful BPA and the ownership group can reach an agreement on the electricity rate BPA charges … ”
OK, But: Like Larsen, The Hammer also is hopeful that the price of gas will drop to 37 cents, Bellingham will start filling potholes, and soon, we’ll all be drinking free Bubble-Up and eating Rainbow Stew (apologies to Merle Haggard).
We Get it: No question that it’s great to have it both ways on these issues. But to the reader who asked why this editorial page “demonized” Larsen over his flimsy previous statement about the relaunch, The Hammer can only point out the obvious: Asking a member of Congress to explain a position that seems incongruous with laws that he himself crafts and maintains isn’t demonizing. It’s asking him to take responsibility for his job.
At Any Rate: It’s clearly the sort of stuff that’s prompted Larsen’s announced challenger, Jason Call, to see an opening to go after Larsen from the left.
Meanwhile, Down at the Shore: Boulevard Park needs what feels like another $1 million fix for erosion. It’s almost as if the entire place acts like a human-engineered infill that doesn’t feel like it wants to be there.
And Finally: We hate to alarm folks over at COB Public Works but it’s gone beyond the point of not saying anything: The Acid Ball is already due for a replacement coat of Glitter Snot.
The Hammer swings on Wednesdays and is updated as needed.
Millions spent to reduce solitary confinement in Washington produces few visible results