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Letters to the Editor, Week of March 23, 2022

Cannabis, voting, and daylight saving time


As much as I did appreciate reading the actual article, “Weed and Feed: The plot thickens at Chuckanut Center,” the headline resulted in some disappointment for me, as I was so happy to see what I thought was going to be an article about (finally!) a local venue where a person can go to smoke or in some other manner ingest some weed and in the same space find some quality feed to share with others as well. 

I thought a cannabis-friendly restaurant-social club had opened here and that Cascadia Daily was lauding its arrival. 

Following centuries of existence of public houses (pubs) where people have gathered to socialize while ingesting alcohol, it’s high time for there to exist similar spaces where folks can gather to socialize publicly while ingesting cannabis.  

As is fairly well known, cannabis tends overall to lead to more gentle and kind social interactions than does alcohol. 

It’s a form of large-scale holdover discrimination for society to continue to exclude people who like (perhaps much prefer) cannabis from enjoying its use while socializing publicly. I suggest that it’s time for this to end. 

Might the Bellingham City Council take up the matter of issuing licenses to businesses permitting the use of cannabis on their premises? 

I feel that this would be a genuine positive step forward socially. 

Roger Sussman 



Sy Schwartz (in a Letter to the Editor on March 16, 2022) touched only on the tip of the iceberg of incompetence reflected in the tenures of Murray and Cantwell. The poster Senators for appeasement and compromise all couched in bipartisanship representing Democrats, but voting Republican ideology. Their only purpose throughout their unending terms has been to guarantee the maximum funding of Boeing and the rest of the Military-Industrial Complex of thieves. All progressive elements are given lip service not followed by positive voting. Collusion with Republican fascists to hamstring all social issues remains the main contribution to guarantee the survival of white supremacy as the forever rule of the nation. Long past time for real change. Casting the same votes and expecting different results will never end this tyranny of massive campaign-funded incompetents.

Richard Morgan



Now that we are apparently moving to permanent daylight saving time (thanks to Congress finally agreeing on something), I’m waiting to see how long it will be before the grousing starts. Grousing because we will soon find out that, as in the early 1970s when we did the same thing because we didn’t like changing the clocks twice a year, morning darkness for months was the price the country had to pay to have a little bit more light in the evenings in winter. 

You can’t have it both ways, people. Just deal with it!

Lauren St.Pierre


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