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9 sit in Whatcom County Jail without lawyers

'A violation of their rights,' public defender says

The front entrance of Whatcom County District Court as a person opens the glass door to walk in.
Defendants in 43 cases in Whatcom County courts do not have an attorney, including nine who remain in the county jail with their cases in limbo. (Kyle Tubbs/Cascadia Daily News)
By Ralph Schwartz Staff Reporter
Dozens of criminal cases in Whatcom County are in limbo because defendants don’t have lawyers. Among them are nine inmates in the county jail. A “perfect storm” of circumstances has led these defendants to run out of options, said Starck Follis, the director of the Whatcom County Public Defender’s Office. Firstly, they can’t afford their own attorneys. They qualify for a public defender, but that office isn't allowed to take them on due to conflicts of interest. The next step is

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