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Tammy Alejandre: Ferndale Elementary School teacher

CDN's weekly community profile

Tammy Alejandre teaches 2nd grade at Eagleridge Elementary in Ferndale. Alejandre has been teaching for over 20 years. She won the Washington State Teacher of the Year award in 2012.
Tammy Alejandre teaches 2nd grade at Eagleridge Elementary in Ferndale. Alejandre has been teaching for over 20 years. She won the Washington State Teacher of the Year award in 2012. (Trenton Almgren-Davis/Cascadia Daily News)
By Kelton Burns News Intern

Tammy Alejandre

Age: 51

City: Blaine

Lived here for: 27 years

Originally from: Renton

Notable: Teacher of the year award winner, mom, foodie, adventurer

What’s the best part about being a teacher? 

That’s a good question. The best part about being a teacher is the lightbulb moment. You know, you’re teaching something and all of a sudden, their eyes and face just light up, and they’ve made this connection. And it’s really fun to watch. 

What’s something you wish people knew about your job?

I wish people knew that what they see and hear about schools these days is not always true, especially about test scores and failing schools. Those tests are one-dip measures. I wish, instead, we focused more on the growth that schools make. How a child feels and connects with the school to achieve their personal best year after year is the true measure of success. Sometimes, online, I see things about what is or is not being taught or done in schools these days. I always have a good chuckle. Don’t believe everything you read. Teachers are generally very willing to answer questions if you wonder what is being taught.

What is something that recently made you laugh?

I grew up with the daddy who wore suits and ties to work and it’s just not common practice anymore. And so if somebody shows up in a suit and a tie, the kids are all like super curious about what’s going on. A couple years ago, a dad came and picked up his kid and the kids thought for sure he was FBI. And yesterday, one of the admin walked in the room while we were reading and when he left one of the kids was like, “Was he the president or something?” Just where their little heads are, they say funny things all the time.

What do you like to do on the weekends?

Decompress. I have a goldendoodle. I like to go for walks and meet friends for coffee or food at all of our amazing restaurants and breweries and such.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

It’s more of a quote. I don’t know if anyone ever told me this. But I read it. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” And that’s helped me not dwell on stuff.

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