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CDN’s 2024 watchword remains the same: ‘Impact’

A look back, and strong forward focus on even more substantial local news

Laura Healy and Joane Larson Ischer stop for a photo and hold up their varsity letters from the school during an awards ceremony at Carver Gymnasium.
Laura Healy, left, and Joane Larson Ischer stop for a photo May 20 to hold up their Western Washington University varsity letters during an award ceremony at Carver Gymnasium. The women were two of nearly 200 former athletes and coaches from 1968–81 to receive varsity letters on Saturday. (Andy Bronson/Cascadia Daily News)
By Ron Judd Executive Editor
“Impact.”  The word is uttered weekly at Friday planning meetings in our Bellingham newsroom when deciding which stories we should cover with our small news staff: “What’s the impact on our audience? Does one story have more potential impact than another?” More broadly, the word is a measuring stick for occasional reviews of our work, writ large: What impact has creating a news organization from scratch had on its community in two years of existence?  With 2023 slith

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