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Famed Southern Resident orca Tokitae dies in captivity

57-year-old killer whale was preparing to return to Salish Sea

Tokitae, the famed Southern Resident orca in captivity at the Miami Seaquarium, performing in front of a large crowd.
Tokitae, the famed Southern Resident orca in captivity at the Miami Seaquarium, died Friday, Aug. 18. (Photo courtesy of Sipa USA via AP)
By Julia Lerner Staff Reporter
Tokitae, the 57-year-old Southern Resident orca long-confined in the Miami Seaquarium, died Friday afternoon, Aug. 18, after 53 years in captivity.  The orca, also known as Lolita or Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut, was the subject of significant controversy in recent years as Indigenous communities and celebrities called for her to be returned to the Salish Sea.  Tokitae spent the majority of her life under human care, and was the only remaining Southern Resident in captivity. 

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