The public is invited to a town hall about opioids, including fentanyl, May 4 in Blaine.
Panelists representing local law enforcement, Whatcom County Health and Community Services, the Blaine School District and Birch Bay-Blaine Thrives will provide information about the county’s opioid epidemic and steps community members can take to reduce the risk of substance abuse.
Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of the panelists.
The town hall will take place 6:30–8 p.m. Thursday, May 4 at Blaine Middle School, 975 H St.
Kari Holley of Birch Bay-Blaine Thrives said the town hall is part of the community’s effort to “get out in front of” the growing fentanyl crisis and to dispel myths about opioids. Organizers will give away medication lock bags at the event.
For more information, contact Holley at