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Let’s lend a hand to keep food on local tables

Local government must step up to food bank funding crisis

Cans, boxes of food, and other non-perishable food stewn on the floor.
Cans of beans, boxes of macaroni and cheese and other non-perishable foods sit in a basket to be sorted at the Bellingham Food Bank. High use of the food bank, coupled with dwindling funding, has created a significant funding challenge for local residents and governments. (Hailey Hoffman/Cascadia Daily News)
By Ron Judd Executive Editor
Amid the loud noise, manufactured chaos and profit-driven disagreement that keeps our society on constant Tilt-A-Whirl edge, a deep breath and focus on common ground remains a possibility. Here’s one humble try. We do, in fact, have some facts of life upon which people of varying political persuasions still can agree. One is that food, shelter and sustenance are basic human rights. (Health care, in our society, seems curiously optional; more on that another day.) Mike Cohen’s job is

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