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Whatcom Peace & Justice Center celebrates 20 years

International Day of Peace event draws attention to change-makers

Tina McKim gets her photo taken while holding her award and a bouquet of flowers.
Tina McKim gets her photo taken after she was awarded the Lifetime Peacemaker Award from the Whatcom Peace & Justice Center at its 20th annual International Day of Peace celebration at the Depot Market Square on Sept. 11. (Andy Bronson/Cascadia Daily News)
By Amy Kepferle Staff Reporter
Twenty years after the Whatcom Peace & Justice Center's (WPJC) inception, staff, volunteers and supporters of the nonprofit dedicated to promoting lasting peace, social justice and a culture of nonviolence gathered at Bellingham's Depot Market Square to commemorate the milestone. Coinciding with WPJC's International Day of Peace fundraiser on Sunday, Sept. 11 — which kicked off via a virtual talk with renowned historian and author Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz at noon at the Pickford Film Center

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