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WTA closes station restrooms due to drug use

Downtown bathrooms to be decontaminated

The Whatcom Transportation Authority's downtown Bellingham station.
WTA closed the bathrooms at its downtown Bellingham station Friday because people were taking advantage of these secluded spaces to use drugs. The bathrooms will be cleaned to remove methamphetamine residue. (Ralph Schwartz/Cascadia Daily News)
By Ralph Schwartz Staff Reporter
Commuters wishing to relieve themselves at Whatcom Transportation Authority's downtown bus station will need to use portable toilets for the foreseeable future. The agency closed the bathrooms inside the station Friday because they had become a regular destination for people seeking a secluded place to use illegal drugs. The bathrooms at Cordata Station will be closed, too, although WTA Public Information Officer Maureen McCarthy said no date had been set yet for the Cordata closures. S

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