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Letters to the Editor, Week of July 13, 2022

Elections, congress, bridges, and UFOs


I read recently that the Cascadia Daily plans to interview the various candidates running for election.

As an Independent voter, I think this plan provides a great community service. Past elections have been covered by local media organizations that have clear political agendas. Thus, the depth and tone of the coverage of their anointed individual has always been biased with respect to the other candidates.

I’m reminded of Hans Christian Anderson’s tale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” 

It’s clear that past election winners, as a class, are suffering from a huge clothing shortage. The weavers are making a large haul at taxpayer expense.

Given the general political demographic in this area, combined with the WWU students’ vote, it’s naïve to assume that there will ever be a sea change in local politics.

But, armed with the information provided by the Daily, the results should allow better recognition of the presence of an “unclothed” and the option of politely diverting eyes, as appropriate for the situation.

Bob Morton



I am writing to support Jason Call for Congress in the 2nd Congressional District; primary ballots will be mailed July 13. Jason will fight for the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, Climate Action, fair trade, racial and gender equity, housing as a human right, criminal justice reform, an end to endless wars and codifying Roe v. Wade.

As a former member of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee and lifelong peace activist, Call is a refreshing alternative to incumbent Rick Larsen. Rick voted against the regulation of big banks after they took down our whole economy, and as recently as 2018 voted to loosen the already weak Dodd-Frank Amendment. His many pro-banking votes have been rewarded with $189,500 since 2002, including 28 companies such as Russell Investments, $49,000; American Bankers Association, $29,000; Goldman Sachs, $14,000; and more. (Source: FEC).

Rick has consistently opposed Medicare for All and receives donations from the American Dental Association, $55,500; Premera Blue Cross, $35,000; McKesson $34,500; AHA $31,000; and AMA $23,008. He recently sent a photo of himself hobnobbing with private for-profit medical lobbyists in D.C. A video of one town hall shows a woman tearful that she can’t afford medication for her child. Larsen listened, then shrugged his shoulders and walked off stage, without even a “sorry for your pain” mention.  

When many of us have met with him to reduce Pentagon expenditures, he is demeaning and sarcastic. Rick voted for every Iraq War funding bill, while a staff member told me that he makes fun of peace activists after they leave his office. Quote “those Deaniacs need to have their heads examined.” Donations from military contractors total $635,500 from 38 companies.

As a staunch supporter of SSA Marine’s coal terminal, he received $433,699 from the fossil fuel industry.  

Jason has the sole endorsement of the Island County and San Juan County Democrats and dual endorsement by the 40th District Democrats. Join me in voting for Jason Call for Congress.

Dianne Foster



We live in a time of unprecedented division and animosity. It’s hard to agree on what the problems are let alone how to solve them. There are several truths I know, however. First, we need representatives who are willing and capable of finding common ground in support of the interests of the many, not the interests of the few. I know there are powerful forces that promote division. They fear common sense solutions to the profound problems we face. They fear anything, or anyone, that might undermine their wealth, power or narrow self-interest. And finally, I know that is why we need to support Alex Ramel in the upcoming primary and general elections.

He is one of the most capable, hard-working and trustworthy people I know. He is a great listener, always learning, and always looking for shared interests. Around some of the most difficult issues of our time: housing, healthcare, climate or labor, I’ve seen Alex build consensus for fair solutions in the interest of the majority. This is why those who promote division oppose Alex.

Beware the unprecedented amount of dark money coming into our community to defeat Alex in this election. We are fortunate to have someone as capable as Alex to represent us in these times, but we must work to re-elect him. The dark money has its own agenda. Alex works to understand and support our shared interests. I offer him my full support and urge everyone else to do the same.

Steve Garey



A resident of the 40th Legislative District since 2004, I have seen several state representatives in office. In this context, I rate Alex Ramel in the top tier, for listening to constituents, for working hard in Olympia to serve his district, for keeping dialogue respectful and for engaging collaboratively with others.

I am voting for Alex Ramel in the primary election.

Abe Jacobson



Hello readers, my name is Suneeta Eisenberg. I have lived in Whatcom County for almost 20 years and am in FULL support of 40th District Rep. Alex Ramel for re-election.

Alex has the courage to stand up to big corporate polluters. He has shown throughout his three years in the state Legislature by championing climate legislation that is making our state a leader in green energy and climate-friendly energy policy. Alex is an environmental champion and proves this in his limited time in the legislature.

He was a prime sponsor of HB 1287, to coordinate mapping and planning for electric vehicle charging stations and electricity supply. Alex worked to more than quadruple the budget for community solar incentives in 2022. He developed and championed legislation to massively expand building energy efficiency standards. He also pushed efforts to increase the affordability of homes built using the state’s multi-family tax exemption.

Alex has the support of prominent environmental organizations, such as the Washington Conservation Voters and Sierra Club, while also gaining endorsements from a range of labor unions including health care workers, teachers, state employees and the Washington State Labor Council.

Big corporate polluters are backing Alex’s opponent in this race because they know Alex has the strength to stand up to them. We know Alex is fighting climate change and pushing for smart policies that make our communities healthier and that lower costs for working families.

Alex knows how to build bridges between those of us concerned about the climate crisis and workers in energy sectors, who will be part of our states’ just transition away from fossil fuels.

I ask you to join me in voting for Alex Ramel this summer on the Aug. 2 primary ballot.

Suneeta Lara Eisenberg

Samish Neighborhood, Bellingham


Last night I saw a basketball-sized glowing orb hovering over Lummi Island. It shot straight up, stopped, corkscrewed back down and vanished. I have a theory* about this and other unidentified flying objects: It seems to me that any beings intelligent enough to travel light years through space and visit other planets must be smart enough to conceal their presence from the occupants of those planets. Perhaps what I saw (and what many others have seen) are the alien equivalents of teenage human offspring out joyriding in the family spaceship. They’re out cruising through the universe, drinking their space beer and smoking their space dope, and it’s like, “Hey! You guys! Let’s go freak out the weird creatures on that planet over there!”

*Theory comes from “Dan” at The Independent Coffee Shop, Fairhaven.

Everett James


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