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County’s response to COVID-19 is under the microscope

Makeup of policy-setting Health Board could see changes

The front of Whatcom County Health Department where a sign is displayed next to the door.
The Whatcom County Council hired a special commissioner to evaluate the Health Department's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Hailey Hoffman/Cascadia Daily News)
By Ralph Schwartz Staff Reporter
Even as COVID-19 rages on, Whatcom County health officials face deadlines to look back at their response to the pandemic. A new state law may require Whatcom County to reorganize the boards that guide public health policy by July. Just how much change is needed isn’t yet clear. The county Health Board, composed of the seven members of the Whatcom County Council, meets on Feb. 1 to begin hashing this out.   As the Health Board considers how it might remake itself, a special commissio

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