Whatcom County Health and Community Services is increasing security at the severe weather shelter after an alleged assault outside the facility Tuesday morning, Jan. 21.
The alleged assault included two guests who had stayed in the shelter at 925 N. Forest St. Monday night, Jan. 20. Bellingham Police Lt. Claudia Murphy told CDN the two got into an argument in the shelter last night, and one stabbed the other during an altercation Tuesday morning outside of the shelter.
The victim was transported to the hospital. The alleged perpetrator was taken into custody at around 12:30 p.m. on suspicion of first-degree assault.
Marie Duckworth, communications specialist for Whatcom County Health and Community Services, said Bellingham Police are providing extra patrols near the shelter Tuesday and Wednesday night, and the health department is working to add more security guards.
The shelter can also trespass or exit guests for misconduct, and requires guests to sign a document acknowledging the code of conduct and no-weapons policy upon entry, Duckworth added.
“The safety of shelter guests and staff is our highest priority,” Health and Community Services Director Erika Lautenbach said in a statement to CDN. “The shelter has rules that prohibit violence of any kind, and they are strictly enforced at the facility.”
The shelter has been open since Friday, Jan. 17 to provide a warm place for people to go in the cold weather, also coinciding with the cleanup of a homeless encampment at Northwest Avenue and Bakerview Road. Duckworth said 90 people stayed at the shelter Monday night, and staff provided services to an additional seven people in the lobby of the facility.
Charlotte Alden is CDN’s general assignment/enterprise reporter; reach her at charlottealden@cascadiadaily.com; 360-922-3090 ext. 123.