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Letters to the Editor, Week of Aug. 3, 2022

Legislature, gardening, flags, compost, story-telling, outdoors, and the pope


The Lighthouse Mission (CDN, July 27, 2022) is welcome to build in my backyard, but does it have to be such a grim and unimaginative structure?  And why does the city allow designs such as this?

Alan McEwen    




This is addressed to those who, like me, frequent and enjoy the beautiful natural setting of our nearby forests, lakes and trails:

Please … do not take electric bicycles, one-wheeled vehicles or other motorized conveyances on these trails. I’m urging Parks and Rec to prohibit them. I can’t imagine where this might lead if they were permitted. Pedaled bikes are hazardous enough.

Cyclists, please think of us walkers as you whizz by. Consider attaching a bell to your handlebars. (Some communities require bells. Why not bike-friendly Bellingham?) I am hard of hearing and feel vulnerable when passed, especially from the rear and on narrow trails like in Hundred Acre Wood.

Prentiss Cole



Recent proposals for redevelopment of Bellingham’s old mill property (CDN, July 20, 2022) have come up far short. Perhaps the proposers need to take a trip down to Bend, Oregon’s, Old Mill District to see what is possible with a bit more planning and strategy.

Bend has redeveloped its mill into a vibrant waterfront area, with dining, shopping, an outdoor concert venue and multiple waterfront activities. Although mountain biking is quite popular in Bend, you won’t find a pump track in the district, nor any condos blocking the public’s view and access to the water. Likewise, there are no hotels or convention facilities occupying its prime redevelopment area. Residential development has flourished nearby, within a short walking distance.

REI anchors the retail sector in the district, in a refurbished mill building. Bellingham would do well to learn from its success.

George Keilman



A widely circulating news photo of Pope Francis kissing the hand of an Indigenous residential-school survivor, assuming it was a truly heartfelt act, was both moving and significant, at least to me.  

Though I’m not a fan of Catholicism nor the pope, the image somewhat brought to mind how the biblical Jesus most profoundly washed his disciples’ feet, the act clearly revealing that he took corporeal form to serve. And that he, as a hopeful example of the humility of the divine, joined humankind in our miseries, joys and everything in between. 

Regardless, many Indigenous people have learned the hardest way about being considered disposable and likely feel the pope’s hand-kiss definitely will not suffice.  

Yes, human beings can actually be consciously or subconsciously perceived and treated as though they are disposable and, by extension, their suffering and death are somehow less worthy of external concern, even by otherwise relatively civilized countries and their religious institutions.

Along with the inhuman(e) treatment they suffered while living in the religious residential schools, the immense inhumanity is also evident with the many Indigenous children who were deemed unworthy even to be buried in properly marked graves by Christ’s supposed messengers, let alone their remains returned to their Indigenous families. 

Jesus must be spinning! 

Frank Sterle Jr.   

White Rock, B.C.


Human beings are storytellers. Perhaps more than anything else, it’s our love for storytelling and story-listening that separates us from all other creatures. Whether it’s the archetypal myths described by Joseph Campbell, the events of the day on the news or the personal chronicles of our lives, stories are the fabric of our existence.

Throughout the ages, adults and children have been told stories at times when they needed guidance to cope with a difficult life situation, or simply for entertainment. Wisdom and insight are much more easily absorbed when presented within the context of a story. So, lie back and close your eyes … It’s story time.

The Bellingham Storytellers Guild was founded in 1998 by local Bellingham storytellers Rosemary Vohs and myself, along with other interested and talented tellers. For 17 years, prior to COVID, the storytellers have been offering free, family-focused storytelling concerts in the Fireplace Room at the Fairhaven Library. This is storytelling in the true oral tradition.

Well, folks … Now we are back.

When: The first Friday of every month.

Where: The Fairhaven Library Fireplace Room.

Time: 6:30–7 p.m. workshops, 7–8 p.m. storytelling.

Doug Banner 



Completely agree when David Killian says there needs to be more receptacles for compostables (CDN, July 13, 2022). Until then, no one mentioned the fact that people can and should bring their own to-go containers to restaurants and stores. I have been doing this for years and have never had an issue with putting my leftovers in my container. This doesn’t help with to-go orders, but it’s a start!

Ruth Taylor

Clear Lake


Ron Judd (CDN, July 6, 2022) asked you to take one small step in protest of the weaponization of the American flag by not flying it on the fourth of July. I would like you to take one giant leap forward and not fly it at all for a while.

I’ve had enough and it’s time to take back our democracy while also making a statement about the Supreme Court’s recent rulings against women’s rights and the environment.

If Colin Kaepernick’s protest by taking a knee before the National Anthem got people’s attention, just think what would happen if liberals en mass started putting Earth Day or ecology flags in their car windows and flying in the back of their pickup trucks like many Trump supporters currently do with the American flag.

I myself have just ordered a 3-by-5-foot green ecology flag for my car’s back window to do just that. Republicans and the Supreme Court have declared war on women and the environment. And this is a war we as a race just can’t lose!

I would love to see others follow my lead. Earth Day and ecology flags are relatively cheap and can be ordered through Amazon.

Please join me!

Bill Walker

Maple Falls


Thank you for this excellent piece (“Murder hornets officially named Northern giant hornet”) in July 26 Cascadia Daily News!

I’m an avid gardener and wannabe scientist who resides among your subscribers on Whidbey Island. I was recently dive-bombed by a giant wasp/hornet in my garden and, later on, captured a specimen. It’s the Great Golden Digger Wasp, an intimidating insect of 2 centimeters body length or more, not afraid of people! It will buzz right up to your face and looks for all the world like a Northern giant hornet.  But it is not, by any stretch.

I was confused by the decimal measurement of Great Golden Digger Wasp (2 cm) and the imperial measurement of the Northern Giant Hornet (2 inches). I feel so stupid.

Mary Hollen



I’m writing to express my enthusiasm for Alex Ramel in the 40th Legislative District. Alex is the rare perfect mix of principled and effective. As deputy whip of the House Democrats, Alex brings a range of voices to the table and is a strong advocate for many of the issues facing our community. 

Most of us who have worked with him know his track record as a climate, environmental and labor champion. Alex has endorsements from environmental organizations and labor unions, including the Washington Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, Washington Bikes, Washington State Nurses Association, American Federation of Teachers, SEIU Healthcare and the Teamsters and Machinists unions.  

This year, I’m equally excited about his sole endorsements from Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice Washington. I want electeds in office who say what they mean and mean what they say. And for me, that means being proud champions for health care and the right to choose. We need it codified at the state level, period.  

I hope the people of the 40th realize what a gem they have and bring him back for another term.  

Janet Marino


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